Top 20 NuGet jQuery Packages

This plugin can be used to format numbers as text and parse text as Numbers
Attach class based on first class in list of current element
draggable - Class allows to make any element draggable
Dynamic character count for text areas and input fields.
A jquery plugin that helps in displaying data as a grid using ajax and gives the developer full control on all pieces of the table.
No html no cry. Many currently used modals use html codes prepared actually for the web page. Mustang-modal, allows you to create new modals interacted with javascript codes without the need of any html. It is simple, easy to use and it has many a lot of features.
jquery.coords.js plugin
Pacote de classes para auxiliar na integração server-side do jQuery DataTables no ASP.NET MVC.
Other jQuery plugins can be used to indicate when a form has been modified (i.e., when a form is "dirty"), whereas jQuery.hasChanged will highlight by the addition of a CSS class which form fields have been modified.
Starter pack for ASP.NET MVC5. Include: jQuery, Bootstrap, FluentBootstrap, Knockout, Knockstrap, SignalR, Knockout Validation, Knockout-select2
A jQuery plugin to permit only numerical digits and specified other characters being entered into an HTML element.
matchHeight makes the height of all selected elements exactly equal.
jQuery goTop is a <2kb Scroll to Top jQuery plugin.
Общие методы облегчающие некоторые действия с HTML элементами.
Growl is a jQuery plugin designed to provide informative messages in the browser
jquery bootstrap form element validation
Various libraries containing useful tools to help kick-start MVC projects.