Top 20 NuGet jQuery Packages

GoUP is a <2kb Scroll to Top jQuery plugin. It adds an arrow on the corner that will scroll the page to the top when you click on it.
A jQuery plugin for intelligently selecting date and time ranges, inspired by Google Calendar.
A javascript file that provides the ability to sort lists using drag and drop. Built on the jQuery framework.
jQuery console for nH project
HTML attribute affordances used to mitigate JS popup blockers. Designed especially for popups with audio/visual media. Protected $ alias works well with other JS libraries and Wordpress.
jQuery plugin that imitates the windows 8 notifications
An easy to implement jQuery extension that simplifies adding both horizontal and vertical scrolling with static header and footer to any html table. It will automatically (and reactively) size to it's parent container, or a given set of dimensions.
FrontEnd Framework For Dynamic Loading Of Views, Standard and custom Event Broadcast and Propagation After Install, Point your browser to http://[YOUR ROOT]/viewbindersample, e.g http://localhost:51163/viewbindersample
An abstraction on site navigation wrapped up in a jQuery plugin. When using website analytics, window.location is not sufficient due to the referer not being passed on the request. The plugin resolves this and allows for both aliased and parametrised URLs. I also provide an API helper method, which ...
A simple jQuery plugin for using a Bootstrap progress bar as the visual representation for a timer.
A jQuery plugin to add a floating header on table when its header is not visible. Live Demo:
A drop menu jQuery plugin.
A jQuery plugin to generate dynamic HTML contents from an array of JavaScript objects. Live Demo:
QUnit addon to run multiple test suites from a single file.
Proper object serialization for jQuery to ASP.MVC ajax requests.
The jQuery Cycle Plugin is a slideshow plugin that supports many different types of transition effects.
jFluent is a Fluent style, light-weight validation framework for client-side validation. It is a jQuery plugin which can be used in ASP .NET MVC and also standard (or mobile) HTML websites.
Redactor.Mvc.EditorTmpl simple editor template Asp.NET MVC
With Interaction Lib you can wire up most common ajax UI interactions with as few as 2 - 3 attributes right in your markup with no additional javascript. Also provides markup for wiring and configuring other jQuery/jQueryUI plugins. Provides support for unobtrusive configurations.