Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

Dependency injection modules for Windsor that can be used to integrate MvcSiteMapProvider into an existing dependency injection setup. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually any part of MvcSiteMapProvider by implementing one of its interfaces and injecting an inst...
Scheduling for Autumn Framework
Extremely fast binary serializer with tons of features. Full reference persistence (including circular references), polymorphism, zero-allocations, can handle readonly fields, delegates, 'KnownTypes' list for whitelisting and optimization in network scenarios... checkout the github page for a ...
Enables dependency injection within NUnit using the Unity inversion of control container.
ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection IoC registration for CoreDdd.Nhibernate library
An extension for Autofac-IoC to use AutoMapper with ease.
WorkData是一个轻量级的框架,用于在.NET Framework/Core构建服务。框架的目标是提供项目常用的基础设施功能
Ninject support for CoreIoC
Ninject IoC registration for CoreDdd library
Ninject IoC registration for CoreDdd.Nhibernate library
Simple injector for Xamarin Android at compile time.
The activator is a simple and fast dependency injection framework. It is based on attributes and does not require any configuration files for configuration. It also supports using static methods as component constructor. This version is not compatible with Assemblies weaved by versions older t...
Ninject modules, providers and binding resolvers for various Microdotcomponents, part of the Microdot framework.
A container used to host non-Orleans Microdot service which uses Ninject for dependency injection. Incoming HTTP calls (via Gigya.Microdot.ServiceProxy) are dispatched to a specified class instance. Part of the Microdot framework.
Integrates StructureMap with the Graphite web framework.
Provides a proxy factory by leveraging Castle based interception mechanism.
Biblioteca base para a camada CrossCutting.IoC. Esta é uma biblioteca utilizada em todos os projetos Tolitech, inclusive os gerados pela ferramenta Code Generator. Mais informações em
Simple HTTP and REST client for Unity based on Promises, also support Callbacks!
Akka testing helpers that help you test the relationships between your actors
Unity adapter for NLog