Top 20 NuGet F# Packages
FSharp.Control.WebSockets wraps dotnet WebSockets in FSharp friendly functions and has a ThreadSafe version
Type-level natural number arithmetic and constraints using fixed-point decimal types.
A library for building FParsec parsers using pipeline operators.
An FSharp library that can be used while using W#
Library for the FSharp friendly usage of the ML.NET project
Provides a Fable API for writing UI component stories, which can be rendered using the @storybook/react npm package.
Giraffe.HotReload does the thing!
Run standard fsharp codes in watch mode
Dap with Xamarin.Forms and Fabulous
Makes Span/ReadOnlySpan easy to use from F#.
Dap Prelude, provide logging and other basic abstractions, use SeriLog for logging
SqlFun is a tool for writing data access code in F# functional way.
It's fast, type safe and gives you all powers of SQL, no custom query language constraints you.
It's also lightweight, you need to know a general idea and few functions (and, of course SQL).
Dap Remote common server libs
Run standard fsharp codes in watch mode
Practical dependency injection in Giraffe that gets out of your way
Alternative JSON model binding mechanism for Giraffe apps without definting intermediate types
Alternative query binding mechanism for Giraffe apps