Top 20 NuGet F# Packages
XPlot is a cross-platform data visualization library that supports creating charts using Google Charts and Plotly. The library provides a composable domain specific language for building charts and specifying their properties.
FsPickler is a serialization library that facilitates the distribution of .NET objects.
The implementation focuses on performance and completeness in supported types, including F# types.
It supports multiple, pluggable serialization formats including Binary, Xml, JSON and BSON.
The library is based ...
A Freya Router based on URI Templates for route matching
Simple F# parser for Open API specification
Helpers around bulma-tooltip for Elmish apps
Helpers around bulma-switch for Elmish apps
Helpers around bulma-quickview for Elmish apps
Helpers around bulma-pageloader for Elmish apps
Helpers around bulma-divider for Elmish apps
Helpers around bulma-checkradio for Elmish apps
Helpers around bulma-calendar for Elmish apps
Bindings for the Pro icons of Font Awesome, should be used with Fable.FontAwesome
An extension to the Freya HTTP Machine adding Patch support
An extension to the Freya HTTP Machine adding CORS support
Helpers around Font Awesome for Fable.React apps
FSharp.Control.WebSockets wraps dotnet WebSockets in FSharp friendly functions and has a ThreadSafe version.
Helpers around Bulma for Elmish apps
Railway-oriented programming for .NET
The F# Charting library (FSharp.Charting.dll) is a compositional library for creating charts
from F# on Windows. Use FSharp.Charting.Gtk for other platforms. FSharp.Charting is designed
to be a great fit for data scripting in F# Interactive, but charts can also be embedded in
Windows applications. T...
FSharp implementation of Facebook GraphQL query language (Client)