Top 20 NuGet Entity Framework Packages

HAVIT .NET Framework Extensions - Entity Framework Core Extensions - Code Generator
HAVIT .NET Framework Extensions - Database schema and data seeding for application with HAVIT Business Layer - Abstractions
HAVIT .NET Framework Extensions - Database schema and data seeding for application with HAVIT Business Layer
HAVIT .NET Framework Extensions - Entity Framework Core Extensions - Abstractions
Adds extension methods to deal with concurrency using EntityFramework.SqlServer. Contains handling for: - Conflict handling: Dublicate keys / Double Adds - Conflict handling: Add / Update - Conflict handling: Update but deleted in the meantime - Ignore Deleted in the meantime errors - Ignore Dublica...
Entity Framework is Microsoft's recommended data access technology for new applications.
Entity Framework Core plugin for attaching the entities materialized from queries to a FluentEvents EventsContext automatically
Package Description
Package Description
A library to help cache EF query plans
A crud for entityframework