Top 20 NuGet Entity Framework Packages

Package Description
Package Description
The "PureDataAccessor" is a data accesing library which only needs a connection and entity modelling structure for all CRUD operation supports on EF and NHibernate. PDA has UOW and Generic Repository patterns. You can manage your data access only with it.
Intregration SQL Server database with repository pettern and also losely couple code.
This package allows you to easy work with soft delete in EntityFrameworkCore.
A Class Library to build and use simple Console Menus in a Console App. Utilizes EntityFrameworkCore InMemory Database. This package is not ready for consumption.
CQS and CQRS for EntityFrameworkCore
EF Model Interfaces and some basic methods
Entity Framework 6 Core Driver for LINQPad
Enable Automatic Migrations for Entity Framework Core for SQL Databases. How to use: MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion.ExecuteAsync(context).Wait(); public class DbMigrationsOptions { public bool AutomaticMigrationDataLossAllowed { get; set; } = true; public bo...
A package which provides implementation of DipScope.Messaging.MessageStore based on entity framework core.
A package which provides implementation of DipScope.Messaging.EventStore based on entity framework core.
Extend EF Core to implement repository mode and unit work mode
Shared test suite for Entity Framework Core relational database providers.
Shared test suite for Entity Framework Core database providers.
TemplateFilemanager is based on the EntityFrameworkTemplateFileManager which supports code generation in different solutions and folders with CustomTool-/BuildAction-Definitions. Please report bugs or feature requests on github: