Top 20 NuGet Database Packages

Dead simple integration tests with Postgres SQL server throwaway databases.
DotNet port of
DotNet port of
Use this to extend Entity Framework functionality to store changes in database. This is very useful for auditing purpose. It stores WHO changed WHAT and WHEN. It will let you choose which tables and columns you want to track with the help of attributes. Forked from Bilal Fazlani to support EF Core ...
Extends ADONetHelper library to NuoDb
Sql Server extensions for Etl.Net
Provides static wrapper for Ms SqlServer repository factory for those who cannot or do not want to use dependency injection。SqlRepoEx Provides Lambda Turn to Full SQL statement(Select,Union,Join etc.) 。
Provides Adapter For Dapper,SqlRepoEx Provides Lambda Turn to Full SQL statement(Select,Union,Join etc.) ;
Provides static wrapper for MySql repository factory for those who cannot or do not want to use dependency injection
Creates a sql where clause from DevExtreme remote datasource with filtering.
A .NET Standrad 2.0 ORM that runs on Dapper.
SQL Server database provider for OpenCQRS domain store.
Provides common types for persisting domain objects to DocumentDB.
Handle database errors easily when working with Entity Framework Core. Catch specific exceptions such as UniqueConstraintException, CannotInsertNullException, MaxLengthExceededException, NumericOverflowException or ReferenceConstraintException instead of generic DbUpdateException Use this package i...
Simple database migrator
DotNet port of
NodaTime support for SQLServer in Entity Framework Core
Database migrations for .NET. Based on the idea of Rails ActiveRecord Migrations.
Business Logic Toolkit is a set of components to simplify .NET application development.