Top 20 NuGet AJAX Packages

Package Description
Simple json file persistence
User-friendly json C# library with serilization on .NET 3.0 Easy load and dump Easy manipulating, no need to create objects yourself with many "new" Support serilization
quick json rest api that use .Net Core. It makes Rest call for Get/Post/Put/Delete. A bear token can be passed in for authorization.
Various tools,extensions, etc. for .Net Core Upgraded to core 3.1
Biser.NET dotnet binary javascript and JSON serializer
Behavior that handles a token un message header, between request
Package Description
JSON serializer for D-ASYNC.
This will be converting the passed DataSet to JSON based on the configuration provided.
Library for diffing and RFC 6902 patching objects, with added functionality to add oldvalues to operations - forked from mcintyre321/JsonDiffPatch
JSendControllerBase class and Filters for standard JSend output, Fully compatible with the latest version of AspNetCore 2.1
A C# library for reading WebRequest or HttpWebRequest instances and creating commandline curl, powershell, or fetch, jQuery ajax etc.
A simple and brief json parser.
SharpYAJ - YetAnotherJSON Reader/Writer for C# is a .NET Standard 2.0 compatible library to serialize and deserialize JSON strings
Flexible configuration parser
A simple and intuitive command line tool to find regular expression and replace by new value. Ideal for automating configuration files for multiple environments