Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

Xamarin Bindings library for AdvancedRecyclerView (1.0.0 - AndroidX)
Several helpful extensions methods for the Vector2 class in MonoGame
States Button for Xamarin.Forms.
Gorilla Player provides instant XAML preview for Xamarin Forms.
C# Websockets for all platforms using native bridges.
This library contains a collection of common .NET components and extensions that can be used in a variety of .NET solutions built by the community.
Tabbed pager for iOS (MvvmCross bindable version)
Android (API 18+) implementation of cross-platform Bluetooth Low Energy library. Scan for advertisements and beacons, connect to devices, read/write/notify/indicate, all with a straightforward async API. To get started, add these normal permissions to your app: [assembly: UsesPermission( M...
iOS (7+) implementation of cross-platform Bluetooth Low Energy library. Scan for advertisements and beacons, connect to devices, read/write/notify/indicate, all with a straightforward async API. To get started, obtain the adapter from main or your AppDelegate, and retain this reference for ...
Easily add icon fonts to your Xamarin.Forms applications!
Easily add icon fonts to your Xamarin.Forms applications!
Core package of Xamarin-Iconify. Iconify offers you a huge collection of vector icons to choose from, and an intuitive way to add and customize them in your Android app. Original Iconify project by Joan Zapata ( has been converted to C# to simplify inte...
Official Plugin - Track which versions of your Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Mac, Xamarin.Android, or Windows app a user has previously installed.
Package Description
An efficient, flexible and simple HTTP parser built with Ragel for speed and consistency
Sidebar navigation for Xamarin.iOS
UI Atoms for Xamarin Forms, includes, AtomToggleButtonBar, AtomGridView
Yet another implementation of Floating Action Button for Android with lots of features.