Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

C# Wrapper for Royale API ( This wrapper can be used by any C# application to get anything from unofficial Clash Royale API. Can be used to gather player and clan information, deck, chest cycle, clan chest, recent battles and much more both sync and async. For additional information a...
Xamarin bindings for ExoPlayer
Xamarin.Forms backend for the web using Ooui technologies.
A Xamarin.Forms view that allows for binding an ItemsSource and ItemTemplate to a stacklayout to create dynamic children. Great for small lists, or horizontal scrolling items.
The Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WPF module for creating Classic Desktop Applications in Windows 10 and Windows 7
Xamarin.Android Binding Library for Mapbox SDK - MapboxSdkTurf.Droid 5.0.0
Xamarin.Android Binding Library for Mapbox SDK - MapboxSdkGeojson.Droid 5.0.0
NOTE: It's enough to add this package to only Portable Layer. v.1.4.0 Added namingRule to objects. v.1.3.0 UPDATED!! Fully upggraded to .Net Standard 2.0 Object Collection Saving & Loading problem solved. Clear() problem solved. It works fine now. v...
Enhanced entry for Xamarin.Forms projects that extends the current Xamarin.forms entry
Light Theme for Xamarin Forms applications
Mapbox for Xamarin.Forms
Twilio video calls across Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android
Cross platform C# library for general Crypto Currency functionality, and communicating with Cryptocurrency exchanges, and Blockchain APIs.
MonoGame library for rendering meters like life and energy bars
Pushwoosh SDK for Xamarin
Simple injector for Xamarin Android at compile time.
Dynamically add and remove shortcuts to your app's icon so the user can deep-link into your app.
.NET and Xamarin libraries for the AeroGear Mobile Core
Contains classes that are useful for a wide range of applications using the Xamarin Google Maps SDK for iOS.
.NET and Xamarin libraries for the AeroGear Mobile Core