Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages
Cross Platform Mobile Development
Xamarin.Android bindings for anirudhmpai's EasyLocationFetch.
Xamarin.Android binding for HamedTaherpour's floating-layout-android, a floating layout library for Android
Genius Scan SDK ScanFlow iOS module for MAUI. Genius Scan SDK allows you to add a document scanner to your mobile application.
Starting from a .NET 6 project, adds the ability to target legacy Xamarin target frameworks such as monoandroid11.0 or xamarin.ios10. *Not fully supported*
Xamarin.Android Binding for CameraKit's CameraKit. Android Library for Camera 1 and 2 APIs. Massively increase stability and reliability of photo and video capture on all Android devices.
Prism provides an implementation of a collection of design patterns that are helpful in writing well structured, maintainable, and testable XAML applications, including MVVM, dependency injection, commanding, event aggregation, and more. Prism's core functionality is a shared library targeting the ....
Recognize credit cards across Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android
A lightweight Xamarin.Android material bottom navigation bar library. Based on @ibrahimsn98's version.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Vovaksenov99's OverscrollableScrollView. Small Android custom view with smooth overscroll. You can add header with scale background.
Xamarin Binding Library - Huawei Agconnect DataStore Annotation SDK. This SDK is a dependency of various Huawei Hms SDKs and is not intended to be used directly.
Xamarin.Android Binding for YshrSmz’s LicenseAdapter (, an adapter for RecyclerView to display OSS dependencies.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Mike Penz’s Android-Iconics Library (com.mikepenz:iconics-views).
Xamarin.Android Binding for Mike Penz’s Android-Iconics (com.mikepenz:iconics-core), use any icon font, or vector (.svg) as drawable in your Android application.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Abed Elaziz Shehadeh's LightCompressor, a powerful and easy-to-use video compression library for Android uses MediaCodec API.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Romman Sabbir's AnimationX. A simple & awesome animation library for Android
This project is a cross platform library for Xamarin, which enables a handy use of Google Analytics in your applications.
Xamarin.Android Binding for KeepSafe's TapTargetView, an implementation of tap targets from the Material Design guidelines for feature discovery
Plugin.XamarinAppRating: an easy way to quickly add store rating to your app.
Xamarin.Android Binding for TalbotGooday's ToothyProgress, a polyline determinated ProgressBar.