Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages
Cross Platform Mobile Development
A Xamarin.Forms library for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS to implement Google's Material Design.
Util.XamariN.AndroiD is common library for Xamarin.Forms
This library provides a set of Xamarin.Forms classes for enterprise and MVVM development; includes markup extensions, behaviors, custom controls and abstractions for MVVM.
ACR Bluetooth LE Reactive Plugin for Xamarin and Windows
Supported Platforms
* .NET Standard
* Android 4.3+
* iOS 7+
* tvOS
* macOS
The Xablu Walkthrough plugin is a component that aims to simplify the cross-platform implementation of Walkthrough.
Makes it easy to create a beautiful about screen for your app.
Xamarin Forms UI effects.
Release notes:
Shows a live feed from the camera plus point of interest objects in the specified Geo Locations.
Easily add icon fonts to your Xamarin.Forms applications!
Portable LibJpeg.NET allows you to read and create JPEG images in .NET compatible languages. It's the managed version of original libjpeg library developed by Tom Lane and the Independent JPEG Group (IJG).
Supported platforms .NET 4 and higher, Windows 8 and higher, Windows Phone Silverlight 8 and...
PCL Extension provides a database implementation for .NET, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android. This makes it easier to create cross-platform .NET libraries and apps.
Add support for deep linking and indexing app content using Xamarin.Forms on the Android Platform
Avalonia is a cross-platform UI framework for .NET providing a flexible styling system and supporting a wide range of Operating Systems such as Windows, Linux, macOS and with experimental support for Android, iOS and WebAssembly.
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp'.
Add Pull to Refresh to ScrollView or group a ListView. See Project for more details
Ensure you call PullToRefreshLayoutRenderer.Init() on each platform!
Built against:
A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS/OSX (APNS), Android/Chrome (GCM), Windows Phone/Windows (WNS), Amazon (ADM), Blackberry and Firefox OS
This package contains the cross-platform XLabs Forms framework and controls.
Socket PCL Xamarin Cross platform for iOS, Windows 10 (UWP) and Android