Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

A storage engine provider for Couchbase Lite .NET that utilizies the ForestDB key-value storage engine
Xamarin.iOS Binding of TTTAttributedLabel
Xamarin iOS binding for, used by
Simple test of creating nuget package. This example prouved that DependencyService works fine with Nuget mechanics (at least on Android devices). Use case: Create an empty PCL/Shared project -> Install this package -> In App.cs, replace the line where finds "Text" by "Text=DependencyService.Get<II...
The MobileAppTracking™ (MAT) SDK for Xamarin.Android provides application session and event logging functionality. This SDK is available in the form of a single .DLL file that you simply include in your project.
Xamarin iOS Basic Camera Roll Multiple Image Picker Make sure to add these permissions to your info.plist <key>NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription</key> <string>We want to use your photos</string>
Simple AVPlayer wrapper (ported from Objective-C JustPlayer)
AppMetrica — это бесплатный инструмент для трекинга и аналитики вашего приложения. Отчёты по источникам трафика, ключевым показателям мобильного приложения, аудитории, сценариям использования, а также статистика по крэшам — всё это в одном SDK для всех популярных платформ.
Project Tango SDK Binding for Xamarin.Android (.NET)
Glass View for Xamarin.Android
DK: iOS platform specific code
This is the Emot icons library for xamarin android paltform.
可在Android 4.0上实现Material Button的效果
The small and smart MVVM framework made with ❤ for Xamarin.Forms.