Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

The main goal of this project is to supply a portable alternative to System.Text.Encoding that can be used from other PCL libraries. Platforms such as Windows Phone currently do not provide support for text encodings other than a limited subset of the Unicode encodings. This can be a real show-stop...
Wrapper around the SCSiriWaveformView library for Xamarin.iOS.
Portable Client Library and HttpClient based OAuth library, including all platform(for PCL as .NET 4.0, .NET 4.5, Silverlight4, Silverlight5, Windows Phone 8.0, Windows Store Apps). This is an independently uploaded package and has source code from various sources aggregated under MIT License. Ori...
A minimalistic and fast JSON parser/deserializer. Mobile versions for Android and WP8.
Binding of the oficial Stripe SDK for iOS (Xamarin). Binding made using oficial repository:
EditText implementation where the hint floats above the EditText when editing.
Scaffolding entry forms for Xamarin.Forms projects
P/Invoke wrappers around Mozillas mozjpeg for .NET and Xamarin
P/Invoke wrappers around Mozillas mozjpeg for .NET and Xamarin
Simple platform independent timer for iOS and Android (Xamarin)
Tesseract OCR for Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms.
Xamarin binding for Smaato mobile advertising platform, used by
Fontysfaction is an Open Source Xamarin Android library that allows developers to easily create applications with custom fonts. Feel free to use it all you want in your Android apps provided that you cite this project and include the license in your app.
Neverendingview is an Open Source Android library that allows developers to easily add a neverending scroll view to their projects. Feel free to use it all you want in your Android apps provided that you cite this project and include the license in your app.
Enables Bonjour/DNS-SD Discovery for Peer-to-Peer Couchbase Lite applications.
Fontwesome is an Open Source Xamarin iOS library that allows developers to easily create applications with custom fonts. Feel free to use it all you want in your iOS apps provided that you cite this project and include the license in your app.
The presentation user interface library for the "More" framework.
Package that handles scrollview in iOS applications (both 6 and 7 versions)