Top 20 NuGet XML Packages
A .NET port of BeanIO for marshalling and unmarshalling, which perfectly fits into the .NET world.
Add default handling for System.Numerics.Vectors
Une composante pour créer un site web simple à partir du fichier xml de documentation généré par Visual Studio.
La composante crée une page web pour chaque membre du fichier de documentation. Elle créer ensuite les pages manquantes
pour qu'une vue hierarchique des membres soit possible.
A simple library which is designed to make working with files more efficent and reliable.
An object model for the XSLT 1.0 standard providing strongly typed classes that can be serialized/deserializsed to XML.
An object model for the XML Digital Signature 0.1 standard providing strongly typed classes that can be serialized/deserializsed to XML.
An object model for the XHTML 1.0 standard providing strongly typed classes that can be serialized/deserializsed to XML.
An object model for the WADL 20061109 standard providing strongly typed classes that can be serialized/deserializsed to XML.
An object model for the SRGS 1.0 standard providing strongly typed classes that can be serialized/deserializsed to XML.
An object model for the SportsML 3.0.3 standard providing strongly typed classes that can be serialized/deserializsed to XML.
An object model for the SportsML 3.0.2 standard providing strongly typed classes that can be serialized/deserializsed to XML.
An object model for the SportsML 2.2 standard providing strongly typed classes that can be serialized/deserializsed to XML.
An object model for the SportsML 2.1 standard providing strongly typed classes that can be serialized/deserializsed to XML.
An object model for the SportsML 2.0 standard providing strongly typed classes that can be serialized/deserializsed to XML.
An object model for the SportsML 1.8 standard providing strongly typed classes that can be serialized/deserializsed to XML.
An object model for the SportsML 1.7 standard providing strongly typed classes that can be serialized/deserializsed to XML.
An object model for the SportsML 1.6 standard providing strongly typed classes that can be serialized/deserializsed to XML.
An object model for the SportsML 1.5 standard providing strongly typed classes that can be serialized/deserializsed to XML.
An object model for the SOAP 1.2 standard providing strongly typed classes that can be serialized/deserializsed to XML.