Top 20 NuGet Windows Presentation Foundation Packages

MVB Platform WPF UWP platform specific runner for WPF
Makes WPF ViewModel classes smart by default. Implements INotifyPropertyChanged and DelegateCommands for auto properties, recognises dependent properties, connects property changed handlers, triggers validation. Supports virtual properties with Entity Famework.
The .NET C# port of libspiro - conversion between spiro control points and bezier's.
Nequeo Wpf component
Common infrastructure for WPF projects including common converters, validators, extensions and controls
Contains types such as: MarkupExtension, TypeExtension, XmlnsPrefixAttribute, NamespaceDeclaration... part of effort to have cross platform UI stack based on XAML.
WPF Converters provides a number of generic binding converters for use in WPF applications. Online at
This is a collection of useful Helpers needed when developing applications with MVVM
This is a dialog box which behave like MessageBox of WinForms
BMSF AutoComplete controls are WPF controls for asynchronous reactive textbox autocompletion and in-place searching.
Straight forward and highly configurable validation for WPF applications.
Libary with different tools for WPF. Eg. a Log Viewer for NLog Logfiles, a highlight textblock and many more
This package contains a cryptography tools plugin for MvvmCross
Provides active list extensions for working with WPF.
Common infrastructure for WPF projects
Package Description
Provides active list extensions for data tables.
Cross-platform class library for using in GUI-applications based on WPF, UWP or Xamarin Forms.