Top 20 NuGet Windows Phone Packages

An AdRotator control for Windows 8 / Windows Phone to support multiple Ad Providers in your apps / games Supports: * Windows Phone 7 / 8 / 8.1 * Windows 8 / 8.1 * Windows Universal Apps * Unity V4+ (WP8 + Win8) Includes the ability to configure supported ad providers from within the solution or re...
MapExtend for Xamarin.Forms is a plugin for Xamarin.Forms allowing users to draw routes, reveal nearby locations, distance between two points and place pins at certain addresses. ##ALPHA VERSION## Custom Icons - Android Work as Well. iOS Need test
Moca SDK for Windows Phone 8. Geofencing, segmentation and analytics API backed by Cloud platform.
Send Local Notifications across iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Windows from a single API. Ability to create, send and cancel local notifications.
Custom control for your Xamarin.Forms project to give you a better Map experience. Ensure you call SvgImageRenderer.Init(), TwoColumnCellRenderer.Init(), ExtendedMapRenderer.Init() on each platform!
Adform Mobile Software Development Kit (SDK) allows Publishers with mobile apps, or standalone app publishers to integrate their mobile app inventory into Adform’s Private Marketplace, where top advertisers are willing to pay top prices for exclusive and first-look access to premium inventory.
CSNumerics is a .NET Standard class library of various numerical algorithms written in C#. It currently consists of C# implementations of Michael J.D. Powell's optimization algorithms BOBYQA, LINCOA and COBYLA.
(Unofficial) Twilio client library for ASP.NET Web API Projects. Compatible with Web API 2.
BugSense is the leading crash reporting and quality metrics service for mobile apps. This is the official plugin for Windows Phone 8.
A .NET Mixpanel API to add tracking to your Windows Phone, WinRT and .NET 4 apps. The complete Mixpanel API is supported (tracking events and all types of profile updates). The API also supports offline mode and bad networks: if element could not be sent, it'll be stored locally and sent later on.
Drop-in control to display all apps by a given author. Useful for About pages. Displays name, ratings info, and icon like in Marketplace results.
Portable .NET library for the Dropbox API based on Portable HttpClient
Adds ready-made Settings functionality to Windows Phone. Share more code across platforms. Build Charming apps for Windows!
These useful XAML converters ease databinding between ViewModel and View in MVVM environments.
Crosslight is an advanced development toolset for building rich cross-platform mobile applications with 100% shared UI logic. Supported platforms include iOS, Android, and Windows.
Provides a sample class for consuming HTTP REST web services, including calling GET, POST, PUT and DELETE operations. It hides the complexity behind serializiing and deserializing entities/models and creating HTTP requests.