Top 20 NuGet WebAPI Packages


A library you can just add and it serves your C# objects (with easy authentication)
This package implements base logic for web api startup configuration and basic controllers for authentication and user management.
This package implements base logic for web api startup configuration, including logging, caching, automapping, authentication, authorization, exception handling, api versioning and api documentation with Swagger.
An asynchronous .NET Standard wrapper for the osu! api Please note this library is ASYNCHRONOUS only
Wiz DotNet Core Gateway Template
Wiz DotNet Core API Template
GraphQL for EPiServer
GraphQL for EPiServer
NameCheapDotNet is a .NET wrapper for the Namecheap API
Zonky API client
ASP.NET Core Web API template with built-in EF Core + MySQL, Identity, JWT auth, Swagger, FluentValidation and React for SPA
Healthcheck-компоненты для API
Package Description
Foundational interfaces, classes, and utilities to build a simple file server.
Base functionality for a simple resource server (Web API web application) including classes for consistent response objects and middleware for token validation