Top 20 NuGet WebAPI Packages


A .Net package to retrieve geocode data from Google api
Unofficial Wrapper for the Font Squirrel API
Set of classes to access the Open Weather Map API
CSharp client for Salesfly API
Api Library used to access HubSpot Apis
Package Description
Package Description
This library enables developers to quickly integrate with the VTEX IO APIs and create full-fledged .Net services using VTEX IO.
Class to easily interact with slicktext api.
API Client for Unity Publisher Portal -
An easy-to-use C# API for
Library for accessing Atlassian's Jira API using either API token or OAuth 2.0 Bearer token. Also compatible with .Net Core 3.0+
Unofficial .NET Wrapper for V3 of the What3Words API. This wrapper fully implements all methods in the What3Words V3 api.
Yet another WebApi tester is a .Net standard 2.1 assembly that can be used with test frameworks like NUnit to run tests against a web api.
Yet another WebApi tester is a .Net standard 2.1 assembly that can be used with test frameworks like NUnit to run tests against a web api.
Custom HttpClient implementation using Approov API protection