Top 20 NuGet WebAPI Packages


Frontier Elite:Dangerous multi-platform API Library
The package can be used to record LoadTestTools results to Application Insights. To use, simply supply your instrumentation key: <appSettings><add key="Recorder.AppInsights.InstrumentationKey" value="your-instrumentation-key" /></appSettings>
EntityControllerBase and ApiControllerBase to create Api Controllers with complete OData query parameters support $expand, $select, $filter, $orderby, $count, $top and $skip
This is Delevera Send SMS API Package.
ASP.NET Core API based on DDD
WebApiThrottle message handler and action filter are designed for controlling the rate of requests that clients can make to an API based on IP address, client API key and request route. WebApiThrottle works with ASP.NET Web API hosted is IIS, Owin with IIS and Owin self-hosted.
Use F# to create and consume flexible, strongly typed web APIs following the JSON:API specification.
Use F# to create and consume flexible, strongly typed web APIs following the JSON:API specification.
Use F# to create and consume flexible, strongly typed web APIs following the JSON:API specification.
A cross-platform base framework API implementation
This is an unofficial .NET standard client library for the hungarian ekaer API interface. With this library you can: Create trade cards List your trade cards Modify your trade cards Delete your trade cards Finalize your trade cards
The light weight web api framework base on AspNetCore
This is an API to work with PowerApps and Dynamics 365 Web API
The tool to display the sql generated by EntityFrameworkCore, developers can view the sql and the excute time via browser.
Shared step definition file to load test API's.
Provides a C # library for easily manage an HAProxy server through his TCP API.
Swagger Generator for API's built on ASP.NET Core
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