Top 20 NuGet WebAPI Packages


Extension Methods for SolidWorks
Kumuluzee.Health is used for checking health state of .NET Core service.
Utilidades para facilitar desarrollo de APIs con .Net 5.0
Provides Generic Web Api Controllers to perform CRUD operations against a Sql Server, including Temporal Tables (GenericDtoController), with DTO support (GenericDtoController), Authorized controller (GenericAuthDtoController)
This C# .NET client makes it easier to consume the ElectricityMap Rest API for getting data about electricity consumption in various countries.
Hosting tools for Web applications
Base class library for .Net Core Web APIs. Contains the Authentication handler and base classes to support NishLibs Authentication module
An assembly for automating CrowdStrike API activities.
A C# wrapper for the Pi Delivery API.
Svelte templates with hot reloading.
Provides API functions for consuming Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Language Text Analytics APIs.
This package is part of the Azure Mobile .NET Server SDK and contains Entity Framework support. To learn more about Azure Mobile, go to
This package is part of the Azure Mobile .NET Server SDK and provides features for the /tables endpoint. To learn more about Azure Mobile, go to
A set of boilerplate code libraries that facilitate implementation of S.O.L.I.D principles in .Net solutions
Fake JSON Server
This is the SDK Wrapper containing pre-made functions used to connect to the Ungerboeck 20.94 API
This client library provides access to the Microsoft Cognitive Services Web Search API.
A template to expose Blip MessagingHub applications through webhook, using ASP.NET WebApi
This package provides support for persisting your custom WebHooks registrations in a SQL database.
This is the Azure Mobile Apps .NET Server SDK quickstart package, which references all other server SDK packages. To learn more about Azure Mobile, go to