Top 20 NuGet WebAPI Packages


Contains a collection of helpful types, filters and framework improvements to enable quick and easy development
Streamable API implementation via C# for .NET applications
Extension to Strathweb CacheOutput WebApi2 for Microsoft AppFabric Distributed Caching
Integrates Bender with Web API.
This project supports extending (hooking) unmanaged code (APIs) with pure managed ones, from within a fully managed environment on 32- or 64-bit Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista x64, Windows Server 2008 x64, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. EasyHook currently supports injecting assemblies built...
Package that adds whats needed to run a webapi library with iis owin connection and autofac, mediatr.
The C# SDK and reference implementation of the TeamVoice REST API.
ApiController.HttpProxy Forward HTTP calls in c# ApiControllers
Asp.NET Web API client generator for TypeScript files
Core components for the Crichton Hypermedia solution.
MaestroPanel .NET Library
Projeto com classes utilitarias para projetos WebApi
O Field Control é um aplicativo para gestão de equipe externa, que equilibra a satisfação dos clientes com a eficiência operacional das empresas prestadoras de serviço em campo.
This libarary contains the async client for easy usage of the Nimbow API in your .NET based projects.
F# Data-based library for accessing SAS data
VersionedRestApi provides a simple but powerful attribute called 'ApiRoute' that lets you annotate your Web API actions with versions (or version ranges). Versioning is handled via the URI (as opposed to query string parameter, header, or body parameter). See GitHub project readme for mor...
A .net client for the Kubernetes API.