Top 20 NuGet WPF Packages

This package contains a files events plugin for MvvmCross.
This package contains the FileChooser plugin for MvvmCross
WPF drawing backend for LiteHtmlSharp
Application Utility for Wpf
Ammy UI Language for XAML platforms. Please install Ammy Visual Studio Extension for full support.
Reporting in WPF (XAML) made easy
A C# and WPF apps translation library
Make your top-level WPF windows stick when moved or resized.
A .NET API library for and url shortening services.
Unofficial CefGlue package including WPF controls. Xilium.CefGlue is a .NET/Mono binding for The Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) by Marshall A. Greenblatt.
A collection of converters, controls, and other extensions that are useful for just about any WPF project.
Just a bunch of controls, converters, and extension methods for WPF.
Treenumerable.VisualTree.WPF is a general purpose library for enumerating, traversing and querying WPF's visual tree.
Unofficial OneDriveSDK NuGet
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Omnifactotum.Wpf is the ultimate solution for WPF .NET developers who want to streamline their development process. It provides its own helper and functional types as well as the extension methods for the standard .NET types. It's the perfect way to reduce errors and save time, allowing developers t...
A library that makes it easier to persist and apply stored application state (window locations and sizes, user settings and preferences, etc). Instead of moving data back and forth from a .settings file, just specify which properties of which objects need to be persistent (in one of several ways),...