Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

SuperMassive is a small condensed framework of reusable .NET components and utility classes. It's your supermassive .NET swiss army knife.
A simple and easily customized mocking library using ServiceWire's proxy builder.
Assertion methods for JSON comparison
NUnit assertions for Microsoft.Owin.Security
The Crawler-Lib Testing Base for Service Hosts provides basic functionality for service hosts with testing capabilities.
The Crawler-Lib Service WinForms Testing Host allows to run Services with a WinForm testing GUI.
Merchello - Provides testing base classes for extending Merchello
MbUnit supports creating tests dynamically at run time. By creating a wrapper that exposes FSpec tests as MbUnit dynamic tests, tools that integrate with MbUnit can be allowed to see FSpec tests.
Machine.Specifications.Reporting is HTML reporting library for the Context/Specification framework Machine.Specifications
Friendly for Store apps. You have to install Codeer.Friendly.Store.Core before use. This is a magical library! Codeer.Friendly’s unique feature is being able to operate on all objects. (Other libraries can only operate controls.) It can invoke all methods, properties, and field...
Allows creating acceptance tests in developer friendly environment. Features: * Native support for refactoring, code analysis (like finding unused methods), test running and all features that Visual Studio / Intellisense / Resharper offer during code development, * Easy to read scenario definitions...
uScoober.TestFramework: THE test framework for NETMF
A PowerShell task runner based on Invoke-Build. Invoke-Build is a build and test automation tool which invokes tasks defined in PowerShell scripts. It is similar to psake but arguably easier to use and more powerful. Removes the boilerplate code from your build scripts and supports a convention-base...
QUnit installation into Bridge.NET projects.
QUnit Sample installation into Bridge.NET projects.
uScoober.TestFramework: LED Display Interface
uScoober.TestFramework: Character Display Interface
SlimerJs wrapper and runner for .Net
MyTested.WebApi is a strongly-typed unit testing library providing an easy fluent interface to test the ASP.NET Web API framework. See the project repository and documentation for more information and an overview of the available features.