Top 20 NuGet Silverlight Packages

Add this library to Silverlight and WPF projects to implement missing/different functionality so that you can port more easily code from one platform to the other
MVVM Dialogs framework for UWP. It allows you to easily show dialogs from within your ViewModels without them knowing how the dialogs shouls be displayed.
This very small library is bringing INPC to computed fields with just a single attribute. It works with Mvvm Light 5.1.1+. Current lib has been tested for VS 2015 and UWP/UAP (Windows 10).
This package provides the platform specific implementations to support Calcium Core features. Calcium includes an easy to use ICommand implementation, frictionless INPC, a cross-platform settings service, IoC and DI, and a weak referencing pub/sub messenger. This package includes all supported plat...
This package provides the platform specific implementations to support Calcium Core features. Calcium includes an easy to use ICommand implementation, frictionless INPC, a cross-platform settings service, IoC and DI, and a weak referencing pub/sub messenger. This package includes all supported plat...
MvvmLightBindingAttributes provides attributes for Mvvm Light. The attributes are based on LocationInterceptionAspect of PostSharp, simplify binding properties between View and ViewModel.
Support for CommonServiceLocator for Bifrost
ViewModelsMerger is a library for WPF, that helps you merge different ViewModels into one ViewModel at runtime.
Reactive navigation for MVVM applications
Reactive navigation for MVVM applications
OmniXAML bridge for WPF.
Toolkit for building client applications using the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern
This extension adds local data management features to the AptkAma main plugin. Tuto available on Sources, documentation and samples on Twitter @Apptracktive
Xamling Core for development the Xamling way
Cimbalino Toolkit is a set of useful and powerful items that will help you build your Windows applications. This is the UI Controls portion of the toolkit.
A simple toolkit for .NET developers