Top 20 NuGet Security Packages
Entity Framework Core persistence layer for IdentityServer4. Contains original work and that of other GitHub repositories.
Authentication and service implementation for the Flickr API.
.NET wrapper and API implementation for the Facebook Graph API.
Authentication and service implementation for the various Microsoft APIs.
Authentication and service implementation for the Slack API.
Misuse resistant symmetric encryption library providing AES-SIV (RFC 5297), AES-PMAC-SIV, and STREAM constructions
.NET Core policies for letting MVC controllers authorize that the user is a member of the requested team and that the team has a valid subscription for the requested service.
This package contains extensions to Azure Active Directory Library for .NET (ADAL.NET)
Morgan's CLR Advanced Runtime is a set of functions, extensions, and modules that I have found useful throughout my years of experience with .Net languages, particularly with Visual Basic. It aims to add features that are not easily available in .Net Framework, and also adds controls, windows, resou...
A Xamarin wrapper binding for AccountStore of the Xamarin.Auth component
Authentication and service implementation for the Steam Web API.
Suplex.Security is an application security and RBAC abstraction Layer. Implments hierarchical DACL model and common RBAC model. Suitable for use in any application/API. Suplex Security.WebApi provides MS WebApi ApiController for wrapping any Suplex.Security.DataAccess.ISuplexDal.
Authentication and service implementation for the TwentyThree API.
Middleware that enable OWIN based server to rely on Keycloak server for authentication through OpenID Connect protocol
Package Description
Authentication functions for BIA.Net Framework using WebApi:
- Authentification
Authentication function for BIA.Net Framework:
- Authentification