Top 20 NuGet Security Packages

OAuth2 client implementation
OAuth2 client implementation
An implementation of RepositoryController that requires OAuth authorization for API actions.
A WinMD OAuth library for Windows 8.
OAuth Library based on Reactive Extensions for Windows Phone 7.
Security Library for NHibernate
An easy-to-use management system for the ASP.NET Membership system built for ASP.NET MVC 3 applications. This application comes complete with an Area, Controllers, Views and everything you need to start managing your ASP.NET MVC 3 application immediately.
Authenticates service requests using Windows Identity Foundation and SimpleWebToken (wif.swf). Due to WebApi requirement for ASP.NET it also suppresses Forms Redirect by leveraging aspnet.suppressformsredirect Package.
(Binary Version of the NetFx.) Adds the required source code and Web.config changes to support SWT tokens. Just configure SWT token format in Azure ACS/STS, and add your SwtSigningKey value to the Web.config! Requires: and
Easy way to add OpenId and OAuth login support to your MVC project.
A simple package that gets and parses an rss feed. Supports basic authenticate.
This module allows you to add ability of HTTP authentiocation (supports both of Basic and Digest auth) on your ASP.NET Web Applications, independent Windows machine or Active Directory users accounts. このモジュールは、Windows マシンアカウントないしは Active Diretory に依存することなく、HTTP認証機能 ( 基本認証とダイジェスト認証のいずれも対応 ) を提供...
Config file configurable principal permissions.
Takes untrusted (X)HTML and massages it into real, trusted XHTML. While plenty of effort goes into preserving the original intent, markup validity and safety is the first priority. It's particularly useful with content management systems where users are in control of markup, but you want to target X...
The AzMan authorization provider allows the use of Windows Authorization Manager (AzMan) in conjunction with the Security Application Block.
A assembly to make it easier to encrypt and hash.
.Net library to simplify cryptography in so developers will actually use it
A port of the SL.Phone.Federation library from the Windows Azure Toolkit for Windows Phone 7, improved with better databinding support. Includes working versions for WPF 4 only. Silverlight 4, WP7 and WP7.1 support coming in next version. <br /><br /> Changes since 0.9: - Refactoring of the control ...
Support for Content Security Policy for ASP.NET applications. New in version 1.0.10 - Full support for the 1.0 version of CSP. Includes some breaking config changes in preparation for the 1.0. "options" is no longer available. The options have now been moved to allowedScriptSources unsafeAl...