Top 20 NuGet Security Packages

Adds the Public-Key-Pinning header to all responses.
Adds the Content-Security-Policy header to responses with content type text/html.
AESCryptoLib is an assembly/ library to encrypt strings with AES.
Adds the X-XSS-Protection header to each response with text/html media type.
Adds the X-UA-Compatible header to each response with text/html media type.
Adds the X-Robots-Tag header to all responses.
Adds X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies header to all responses.
Adds the X-Download-Options header with 'noopen' value to all file downloads.
Adds the X-Content-Type-Options header to all responses.
Adds the Referrer-Policy header to all responses.
Utilizes SimpleAuthentication OAuthProviders and provides custom Providers
A minimalist cookie-based session manager for .NET web servers. Generates the cookie needed to send to the client and keeps track of open sessions and session data. Non-persistent