Top 20 NuGet Patterns Packages

This packages should be referenced by the MVC application to add built-in support for Unit of Work and Repository Patterns in controllers
A library that implements an InMemory repository and unit of work
Provides base class functionality that serves as a thread-safe in-memory data store implementation. Use this to create fake data proxies for state-based unit testing or to quickly develop peasy service classes.
Repository base classes for EF
Repository Generator will generate an entire repository structure for you. All you need to supply a namespace which contains all your Entity Framework models and the will generate repositories for all your models, it will generate a generic repository providing you with basic ...
Provides a generic repository implementation for Entity Framework Code First data access.
Skahal.Infrastructure.Framework.Repositories.IRepository's GData implementation.
This is a configuration package that links the DataAccess with AppBoot. The DataAccess provides an abstraction over a relational DB. The implementation is done with EF, which is well hiden from the clients.
Unit of work and repository patternsfunctionality for Susanoo
Get your Umbraco data in strongly typed models
Persistence layer for sitecore using glass.mapper
Common functionality for ASP.Net MVC applications - configuration, generic controller, generic repository, generic version history controller, access denied attribute, account management.
The XRepository library is an easy-to-configure ORM with a simple API which follows the repository pattern. It supports automapping, works on mutliple databases, and even supports a JavaScript interface to allow for simple HTML5 application development. (If you want the JavaScript version, get NuG...
The XRepositoryJS library is the JavaScript interface built upon XRepository. It is an easy-to-configure ORM with a simple API which follows the repository pattern. It supports automapping and works on mutliple databases. XRepositoryJS in particular provides a rapid applicaiton development path f...
NRepository.MongoDb is a generic repository library with a strong focus on CQRS.
VirtualObjects Scaffolders
Lr.Data is a collection of base classes and extension methods written in C# to help build a data-layer for applications.
Base CRUD Intents and an InMemory Resolver for the Intent Compositor. Starting point for creating Repository Resolvers for Intent Compositor Code Generator classes.
Contiene clases que definen el contrato para una implementacion de repository, unit of work, entity, etc. Debe ser referenciado en la capa de dominio bajo una arquitectura domain driven design.