Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

Linq Extension Methods and helpers
Slazure is a ORM/ODM type data mapper for schema-free NoSQL databases. Slazure automatically maps data entities between your code and the database data model. This package enables Slazure to work with the Microsoft Azure Table Storage.
Slazure is a ORM/ODM type data mapper for schema-free NoSQL databases. Slazure automatically maps data entities between your code and the database data model. This package enables Slazure to work with the Microsoft Azure Table Storage. Contains Slazure Light edition component.
Crypteron CipherDB Agent for NHibernate 4.x
PostgreSQL provider for Entity Framework 5
Slazure is a ORM/ODM type data mapper for schema-free NoSQL databases. Slazure automatically maps data entities between your code and the database data model.
Easily do import from CSV to EntityFramework Entity
Allow an easier way to connect to Azure databases.
Custom serialization when NMoneys objects are to be persisted as complex types using Entity Framework.
BootSharp Data designed for EntityFramework.
BootSharp Data designed for NHibernate.
Object-relational mapper between TrackableData and common SQL.
A property convention which sets length for strings
A property convention which sets not nullable
A ZeroMQ Log module for the Nyan data service stack