Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

SmartSql = MyBatis + Cache(Memory | Redis) + ZooKeeper + R/W Splitting +Dynamic Repository ....
SmartSql = MyBatis + Cache(Memory | Redis) + ZooKeeper + R/W Splitting +Dynamic Repository ....
CloudFoundry Connector Extensions for Entity Framework Core
Entity Framework (EF) Core Cacheable is a high performance second level query cache extention library, for the popular Entity Framework data access technology. It provides caching functionality for all types of query results. Based on expression tree and parameters, the context decide rather to exec...
Redis cache provider for NHibernate using StackExchange.Redis.
Core EFCore library for Arragro for Repository functionality and BaseContext.
Visualize model created with EntityFramework Core in ASP.NET Core app. 1. Install the NuGet package 2. Use AddEfDiagrams() extension method in Configure() method of your Startup class to add middleware. Specify your DbContext type instead of ApplicationDbContex... Core ORM SqlSugar ORM,core 1.0,High-performance, lightweight
An extension for EntityFrameworkCore that provides Auditing, Concurrency Checks, JSON Complex Types and writing history to Transaction Log.
With EFCore.DbContextFactory you can resolve easily your DbContext dependencies in a safe way injecting a factory instead of an instance itself, enabling you to work in multi-thread contexts with Entity Framework Core or just work safest with DbContext following the Microsoft recommendations about t...
Sumo.Data is an IoC capable database access framework. It provides foundation interfaces and classes for database-independent data access. Sumo.Data.Sqlite and Sumo.Data.SqlServer provide database specific implementations of Sumo.Data, Sumo.Data.Schema, and Sumo.Data.Orm. Sumo.Data.Orm is a light-we...
Sumo.Data.SqlServer is a Microsoft SQL Server specific implementation of Sumo.Data. Sumo.Data is an IoC capable database access framework.
Sumo.Data.Sqlite is a SQLite specific implementation of Sumo.Data. Sumo.Data is an IoC capable database access framework.
Entity Framework Core persistence layer for IdentityServer4
PetaPoco is a tiny, single file .NET data access layer inspired by Massive that works with both non-dynamic POCO objects and dynamics. This package includes the just the core PetaPoco library (compiled) (ie: no T4 templates)
This NuGet package is for ODP.NET, Managed Driver applications that use Code First and/or Entity Framework 6 applications. It will add the Oracle Entity Framework assembly and auto-configure for its use. Note that this package does not include ODP.NET, Managed Driver which is available as a separate...
NHibernate.Spatial is a library of spatial extensions for NHibernate, and allows you to connect NHibernate to a spatially-enabled database and manipulate geometries in .NET code using NetTopologySuite, providing you with a fully integrated GIS programming experience.
Adds support for easy localization for DataObjects.Net-powered domain models
Additional functionality useful for FubuMVC applications that use NHibernate and StructureMap