Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages
Generic Repository Pattern and Unit Of Work for C# .Net Core
Fork of Extension Method to SnakeCase all EFCore v3.x database structures (tables, relations, schemas, etc.) so your entity 'PersonLog' will become a table 'person_log' and so on. The significant difference in this fork is how parts of an identifier in a...
Ermöglicht die Historisierung der Daten auf Zeilenbasis
Extensions for Linq for Entity Framework Core
EntityFrameworkIncludeBuilder is an Entity Framework Core extensions which provide ability to build dynamically Include/ThenInclude chain.
Our base classes to create a multi layers architecture. BaseContext, BaseUnitOfWork, BaseRepository.
Package Description
Package Description
Simple Query. ORM Very Easy to use. All CRUD operations. Dapper and ORM in the same place
Generic data access layer built on top of the .NET Entity Framework
Entity Framework Core Automatic Migrations allows you to use code first migrations without having a code file in your project for each change you make.
How to use:
/// Migrations Options
public class DbMigrationsOptions
/// <summary>
/// Allow auto migration with data lost
Paginator library for .net entity framework
Handle database errors easily when working with Entity Framework Core. Catch specific exceptions such as UniqueConstraintException, CannotInsertNullException, MaxLengthExceededException, NumericOverflowException or ReferenceConstraintException instead of generic DbUpdateException.
1. if empty string convert to int or decimal,ignore the error and set int or decimal to defaut value;
This project is clone from git://,which Map POCOs to Excel files. And I have
add the excel headers properties to the ExcelMapper because I need it in my project.
EntitySpaces in .NET Standard Mode for SQLite (single assembly install)
EntitySpaces in .NET Standard Mode for MySQL (single assembly install)
EntitySpaces in .NET Standard Mode for PostgreSQL (single assembly install)
Easily deal with modal files and RethinkDB using a simple API inspired by RedBeanPHP.