Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

Library containing all the core MVC models needed for using the Narato ResponseMiddleware stack
Convert any URL into Link when user paste it in textbox
Pacote com todas dependecias para projetos MVC da RP Smart
Razor Native.
Base of EntityFramework Data ,Automatic Register Entity And Mapping
Absteration Data For Use Mv.FrameWork
dotnetCore Customs Framework
The base class library for a desktop application with Model View Controller.
Kibii.Configuration.ShareX optimized for use with ASP.NET.
Library to load, host and run ASP.Net websites inside your own process. Has functionality equivalent to the IIS Developer server. Can expose IP ports or keep sites internal to your process. Supports .Net MVC and Web APIs
Serves pre-compiled razor views from MVC assemblies.
集成了 MagicOnion 与 Consul 服务注册的 RPC 模块,支持与 ABP 框架一起使用。
集成了 MagicOnion 与 Consul 服务发现的 RPC 模块,支持与 ABP 框架一起使用。
Helpers for USGS VWE MVC5 projects.
Javascript 引擎包
Console interop for Blazor
A plugin for DoubleTap.Email to enable razor templates in the email body.
Wrappers da layout engine Razor3