Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

WebSharper Extensions for Kendo UI
REST-service component is a server-side framework that allows easy creation and working with HTTP and REST services within any ASP.NET application, including capability to work with backend server-side .NET code via REST or HTTP services from client-side javascript or other types of client code. Onc...
Memcached provider for MVC.Utilities
GoogleAnalyticsTracker was created to have a means of tracking specific URL's directly from C#. For example, it enables you to log API calls to Google Analytics.
Classes to help with creating an ASP.NET MVC3 application.
Classes to help working with entities in an ASP.NET MVC4 applications.
Classes to help integrate OAuth in an ASP.NET MVC3 application.
Classes to help testing ASP.NET MVC3 applications.
ASP.NET MVC helpers for embedding static maps with the Google Static Maps API V2.
This library enables the end users to create a lightweight representation of the google.visualization.DataTable object directly in Microsoft.NET and the creation of the necessary JSON as needed by the Google Chart Tools Javascript library.
Library for rendering Javascript from Razor Syntax
A simple JavaScript library for Persian language localization.
Fork of the MvcScaffolding project in order to use it with twitter.bootstrap.mvc4 project
Lightweight mini-profiler, in particular designed for ASP.NET WebForms sites using .NET Framework 3.5
MiniProfiler35 integration for ADO.NET
FluentMvc - A library for adding conventions to ASP.NET MVC using a fluent configuration API for registering filters and ActionResults
Highstock extension for scalable JavaScript application.
Profiler panel.
An extension for comfortable manipulation with strings, extension for Underscore.js inspired by Prototype.js, Right.js, Underscore and beautiful Ruby language.
Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code. The package contains only jasmine.js which is useful for using together with Chutzpah.