Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

Standard-compliant ECMAScript 2016 parser (also popularly known as JavaScript or ES6).
An URL extension helper to append version to content URL for files such as js, css, json, etc for cache busting.
Behaviors for Blazor. Extract functionality from a Component into a Behavior to make it reusable. Reuse it by adding Behaviors to a Component.
Classes for the wrappers for the DevExtreme Datagrid for CSHTML5. Powered by Bridge.NET
WebSharper extension for Dojo Toolkit
Displays a form that allows visitors to register on the website as new users.
A utility library for.Net Core 3.1 to be used with XpandableSoft.Standard.
A collection of useful Blazor JavaScript interop functions
Feedback messages utility for .NET Web application. Display your feedbacks for web clients easily.
A Transformalize validator using Jint
A Transformalize transform Autofac module using Jint 3+