Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

[MVC3 Only] A Sample package for MvcTreeView to demonstrate its usage. This fluent MVC TreeView helper makes it easy to build and customize an HTML unordered-list tree from a recursive model.
NecroNetToolkit is a set of tools that simplify and help with development of smaller projects based on ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework.
Web library for building composite MVC Web Applications. This library is based on the patterns & practices Web Client Developer Guidance.
linq.js binding for jQuery and RxJS.
An unobtrusive CMS system designed to bolt on to an existing MVC3 Razor or ASPX web app. Includes image uploading and wiki style editing.
MvcTurbine Blade for Meek, an unobtrusive CMS system designed to bolt on to an existing MVC3 Razor or ASPX web app. Includes image uploading and wiki style editing.
## When prompted to "OK" or "Cancel" the running of the templates please choose "Cancel" or an error will appear in your project ## * The base MVC install reconfigured for Twitter Bootstrap (in a separate folder) * Custom scaffolding for Bootstrap * A css file that gives Bootstrap error classes for...
A fast and customizable way to add Model (with optional Controller and Views) to your ASP.NET MVC project. You can specify property types or can use conventions. Visit the Project site to learn about output and conventions' customization. Inspired by MVCScaffolding.
An implementation of the DependencyResolver for ASP.NET MVC3. Includes startup code. 3.1.5 - Changes dependency to Munq.IocContainer 3.1.5 to fix Request Lifetime instance issue. All packages same version.
This Content package sets up the necessary parts for using Kiwi.Markdown in an ASP.Net MVC 3 app.
Lib.Web.Mvc is a library which contains some helper classes for ASP.NET MVC such as strongly typed jqGrid helper, attribute and helper providing support for HTTP/2 Server Push with Cache Digest, attribute and helpers providing support for Content Security Policy Level 2, FileResult providing support...
LightCore is a lightweight dependency injection container which can be used as a service locator, too. Despite its simplicity and its lightness there are lots of features to explore. The library was written in C# for .NET 3.5 and above, with an eye on simplicity and clean code (Clean Code Develope...
Razor based view engine for Jessica, a micro web framework..
Easily add additional query string parameters to HTML anchor elements.
This library provides html helpers for implementing the Twitter bootstrap components in an ASP.NET MVC application.
MvcContrib.FluentHtml is a library of extensible, strongly-typed HTML helpers that employs a fluent API to increase productivty of authoring MVC views. Note: this is a fork of the MvcContrib project that is suited for working with ASP.NET MVC 4.
Adds a ImageResult class that makes it very simple to add dynamic resizing of images in your mvc application. Check the projecturl for a how to
An http module for moving/minifying inline scripts and includes to the bottom of the pages. Used to optimize page loading times due to scripts loading at the end.
This package contains the required metadata to use QUnit with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler.