Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages
Common tools to create check boxes for ASP.NET MVC applications
Ce package contient les assemblys satellites en français pour la bibliothèque MilNet.Web.Mvc.DatePicker
Dieses Paket enthält die deutschen Satellitenassemblys für die MilNet.Web.Mvc.DatePicker-Bibliotheken
Common tools to create date pickers for ASP.NET MVC applications
Ce package contient les assemblys satellites en français pour la bibliothèque MilNet.Web.Mvc.Select
Dieses Paket enthält die deutschen Satellitenassemblys für die MilNet.Web.Mvc.Table-Bibliotheken
Common tools to create tables for ASP.NET MVC applications
Common tools for ASP.NET MVC applications
Supplies JS and HTML files used to create a client side management page for your configuration.
This client code is designed to work with the package YourConfigIsInAnotherCastle.Manage.Service.
A simple package that adds the ValidateModelAttribute for ASP.NET Core MVC usage.
Health check result output for web project .NET Framework 4.5+.
For ASP.NET Core ,please user NetCorePal.HealthCheck.AspNetCore.
A Bridge.Net definition library for viewar's fork of Jerome Etienne's Virtual Joystick(
A NetStandard 2.0 Neo4j based identity provider for ASP.NET.
T4 templates for generating repositories with NecroNetToolkit.
HTML Helpers for #NancyFx's Razor implementation
HTML Helpers for #NancyFx's Razor implementation
**Note this is a .NET 4 version which uses the Microsoft.Bcl.Async library to run**
An extremely easy to use Micro-ORM supporting Sql Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sqlite, SqlCE. Originally Schotime's PetaPoco branch.
This package add the data type compatibility for ASP.NET 5 TempData feature.
ASP.NET MVC 6 Extensions Library provides addtional tag helpers and utility for simplify ASP.NET 5 web application development.