Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

ZML: The XML Razor ZML is a tagged programming language designed to create Razor Views/Pages that do not have to contain any C#, VB.NET or F# code, so the Razor entirely looks like a normal XML file, that is valid to use in any ASP.NET app regardless of the programming language it uses. For more det...
Pre-built binaries for V8 JavaScript Engine.
Pre-built binaries for V8 JavaScript Engine.
Statically compiled V8 JavaScript Libraries.
Vazor is a VB.NET Razor that uses vbxml code (VB and xml literals) with zml support to create ASP.NET MVC Core Views and Pages.
Static site generator (base interfaces for includes and templates context)
Project templates that allow you to create Blazor applications with DevExpress components.
DrON port of ASP.NET Boilerplate
DrON port of ASP.NET Boilerplate
A suite of ASP.NET MVC helpers for integrating Power BI into your app.
TagHelper tooling for .NET Core CLI. Contains the dotnet-razor-tooling command used to resolve TagHelperDescriptors for projects at design-time.
A totally unsupported way to quickly add ASP.NET MVC 3 support to your WebForms Application. Works on my machine.
Testing support for Snooze
Html Extensions to automatically convert ViewModel properties into human readable form for labels
Client side library of oData, need jQuery >=2.1 and bootstrap >=3.0
Web layer utilities package
.NET utility library that includes Application Configuration, MVC helpers and more. Utility classes include: StringUtils, ReflectionUtils, DataUtils, SerializationUtils, SecurityUtils and XmlUtils. These classes are useful in any kind of .NET MVC project.
Use Razor to build your templates from strings / files / EmbeddedResources outside of ASP.NET MVC for .NET Core
Glue for .NET and Web applications
Adeptik ASP .NET Core MVC is a set of ASP .NET Core MVC extensions.