Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

Jasmine specification runner support for Cassette.
JUIPP is a design pattern implemented on top of ASP.NET WebForms enabling harmonious teamwork by favoring Convention over Configuration, enforcing Separation of Concerns and emphasizing modularization (works great for SharePoint).
Transliterator from Cyrillic to Latinica symbols for link generation or post titles
rmocks is a JavaScript mocking framework designed especially for developers familiar with the Rhino Mocks .NET unit testing framework.
Needletail.Mvc allows you to call javascript code anywhere from your MVC project, this is allows you to tell the client(browser) to call some function when an event occurs on the server's code in real time. Only works with MVC 4 and with browsers that support SSE.
Add a rock-solid default for HTML5 awesome into an ASP.NET MVC 3 (Razor) Project
MVVM extension for scalable JavaScript application
Adds reactive extensions to scalable JavaScript application.
This is a plugin to the CubeBuild MVC Framework that adds Forms authentication.
Mobiscroll package for zepto.js
A simple browser history for ASP.NET MVC. Download and browse to <project url>/History See ReadMe_MVCBrowser.txt
A SisoDb management tool for your websites. The tool is hosted on the website and will accessible from everywhere if the user is given permission.
Build UserControls that support Templating and DataBinding. Emit client-side JavaScript object graphs of your server-side controls. Encapsulate client and server behavior in a single source. Allow others to discover client-side properties and behaviors of your controls through natural C# syntax.
The Quicklight web framework allows for the creation of a loosely coupled composite web application. It provides dependancy injection, event management, region management and a framework for building MVVM applications using the razor engine to generate views
Provides an MSBuild task to control MinCat.
ASP.NET MVC Helpers for Twitter Bootstrap
Some helpful methods and utilities for ASP.NET MVC Application
Just the JSON capabilities of Oak
JavaScript library to do store and forward in the browser using browser localstorage as intermediary store. This is the transport implementation that supplements the core JSBus library. For detailed usage see project page.
JavaScript library to do store and forward in the browser using browser localstorage as intermediary store. This package contains an usage sample to demonstrate API usage. For detailed usage see project page.