Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

Pre-release of the Library. Documentation to come.
Plinth Templating engine
A custom Kentico MVC form component that allows editors to select categories from a list of checkboxes in a modal window.
Extension package for XLocalizer.TranslationServices to provide translations using Translate.
Extension package for XLocalizer.TranslationServices to provide translations using MyMemory Translate.
Extension package for XLocalizer.TranslationServices to provide translations using IBM.Watson.LanguageTranslator.v3.
Extension package for XLocalizer.TranslationServices to provide translations using Google Translate.
MVC Caching Base for .Net 4.8+ provider for Blazor WebAssembly
Blazority is a Blazor component library based on Clarity UI. We aim to provide components that are easy to use, built as purely as possibly using Blazor, with little to no JavaScript. This libary is compatiable with both Blazor Server and Web Assembly modes.
This package is deprecated. Instead, it is recommended to use a Microsoft.ClearScript.V8.Native.osx-x64 package.
This package is deprecated. Instead, it is recommended to use a Microsoft.ClearScript.V8.Native.linux-x64 package.
A library that allows you to integrate Rainsoft.Validations with System.ComponentModel.Annotations, thus enabling you to use Rainsoft.Validations transparently with Microsoft's validation infrastructure.
MADE.NET for ASP.NET Core MVC builds on features of ASP.NET Core MVC to provide additional MVC-specific functionality to improve your web applications.
Official ASP.NET integration for Sentry - Open-source error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time.
A package to support subscriptions for GraphQL ASP.NET. Provides the required functionality to setup a websocket connection and perform graphql subscriptions over web sockets.
Zero-trust security for every web app. Protect your ASP.NET MVC web apps with a multi-stage security pipeline that includes XSS detection, authentication, IP firewall, two-factor, activity/data authorization, account verification and suspension checks. To get started Visit
JSON Web Token Authentication and Authorization library for Horse MVC
Supported Platforms: • NETFramework Image Components for ASP.Net MVC is an imaging SDK that allows the view, edit, capture, creation and data manipulation. Some of the Image Components functions are: opening file or directory and saving most common images file types (*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.tif;*.tiff;*.bm...
Enables using the Razor view engine with Nancy.