Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

Official AspNetCore library for Evada CMS.
Toolset to make running the CLI as a reverse proxy, tooling support
Package Description
This library help you to upload file, using beaty templates,validations.
ASP Core extensions for using CQELight with ease.
Developer files (headers/libraries) for V8 JavaScript Engine.
Developer files (headers/libraries) for V8 JavaScript Engine.
Debug symbols for V8 JavaScript Engine redistrubutable files.
Debug symbols for V8 JavaScript Engine redistrubutable files.
This is an extension to SharePoint.Authentication library which provides Owin middleware and other tools to make fully SharePoint authentication based web application.
Memcached backed Proxy/Service Ticket Managers for the Apereo .NET CAS Client.
.netcore mvc,HtmltoPdf,HtmlToImage
Various framework elements and components to help make the development of .Net Standard applications and ASP.Net Core MVC websites that much easier to deal with for the ASP.Net Core .Net cross-platform) environment. To see all assemblies in the framework, click the 'CoreXT' tag. This package will c...
Sync extensions for Piranha
See - Attribution - The BolgerUtils icon is attributed to Bernadette O'Keefe:
A Bootstrap 4 modal dialog for Asp.NET Blazor.
A Disqus widget for Kentico
MVC engine for Jerrycurl.