Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

O package possui classes de criptografia, tratamento de imagens e validações.
A Solar, Lunar and Gregorian supported Date and Time picker with clean and nice UI and easy to use
C#-to-JavaScript compiler interface support plugins.
Bootstrap DisplayTemplates, EditorTemplates and util classes for Razor templating engine
Abstract Controller for Web Api Application
.Net library for clever processing of requests from jQuery plugin on the server side (ASP.NET, Nancy or any other web server). It dynamically builds an expression tree from the request and allows to filter and sort an IQueryable according to the request parameters.
Requires that all methods of contollers should return Task<T>
Simplify caching in your .Net project
WinJS is a set of JavaScript toolkits that allow developers to build applications using HTML/JS/CSS technology.
Provides you the ability to query, update and delete javaScript arrays using SQL like syntaxes and LINQ like expressions. Version 1.2+ provides a plug-in architecture to add your own functions. Version 1.2+ now requires the "new" keyword when creating a jinqJs() instance. Version 1.3+ supports Node....
Automatically add a progress bar to your site. #hubspot-open-source
The mdObject for GE Centricity is the mdObject, Inc. initiative to simplify patient medical record exchange. The mdObject for GE Centricity is a simple JSON stricture that is easy to use and implement HTML forms. The mdObject is stand for Medical Data Object.
Fast, extensible, intuitive and easy-to-use C# portable library providing fluent APIs for argument validation. Gives everything you need to implement defensive programming in your .NET application
LINQ to JavaScript (JSLINQ) is an implementation of LINQ to Objects for JavaScript. It is simple to use and gives much needed power and flexibility to performing LINQ style queries agains traditional JavaScript Arrays. If you are using an Array, you can use LINQ to JavaScript to step up your game.
Hammer.js is a pure js library for touch events.
Simple, fast generation of RFC4122 UUIDS. Features: - Generate RFC4122 version 1 or version 4 UUIDs - Runs in node.js and all browsers. - Cryptographically strong random # generation on supporting platforms - 1.1K minified and gzip'ed - Annotated source code
An F# to JavaScript compiler.
Syntax Highlighter written by JavaScript and CSS (and C# Helper)
This is the dojo source file. This is what you would use for development or modifying default behaviors. Do not use this in production without building. The util folder is also included for the ability to create builds.
URL canonicalization with ASP.NET (MVC) routing