Top 20 NuGet Logging Packages

A dotnet tool to add metadata on ILogger calls using code analysis (Roslyn)
.NET library with advanced logging functionality.
MS logging with serilog
.Net Core common logging abstractions to make logging calls asynchronous in an application. The abstration allows for any logging library (Log4Net and etc) to be used as the library abstractions will "spool" the log entries.
StackLog helps you push your application logs to a centralize cloud storage. It can detect exceptions automatically and send you instant notification to your slack Channel, email, web hooks. It helps you priortize bug fixes, and assign application stability score to your cloud apps.
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Relativity Logging
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Extensions to provide consistent configurations and patterns for your service.
Reinventing log strategy with complex and intuitive types
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Extends xUnit to simplify logging.
This assembly represents a part of persitence layer. It is the implementation of a logging mechanism based on Sin.Net.Domain and NLog.
Provides a message handler for HttpClient which allows to enable logging of request/response related info. In comparison with Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Logging.LoggingHttpMessageHandler it allows to log request/response content.
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Parse strings into objects