Top 20 NuGet Logging Packages

A minimal Microsoft.Extensions.Logging provider for test frameworks such as MSTest, xUnit and NUnit.
Internationalization component for Inetdev Framework Std.
Package Description
Basic components for building CLI application.
This is a simple package meant to be used for Log messages are output to console as a GELF compliant JSON to be consumed by docker's GELF log driver.
A logging provider that hooks into the .NET Logging extensions and captures the logs that it receives so they can be examined later by tests. Use version 1.x for .NET prior to 6.0. Use version 2.0 for .NET 6.0 onwards.
This package provides several extensions that make working with IDistributedCache easier including Json object serialization, get with fallback, key space partitioning and logging. In addition to these extensions there is also a strongly typed ISimpleCache<TKey, TValue> interface that provides a dep...
Package Description
Helpers for writing tests that use Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. Contains test implementations that are observable.
Simple logging framework for use internally within the Meerkat libraries
An embeddable logging and telemetry library for concise, multi-purpose instrumentation of library or application code.
The Waher.Events project provides the basic architecture and framework for event logging in applications.
Log4Net implementation of the Shuttle.Core.Logging ILog interface.
Exceptionless client for WinForms applications. Exceptionless is a cloud based error reporting service that sends your exceptions to and provides aggregated views and analytics.
Exceptionless client for WPF applications. Exceptionless is a cloud based error reporting service that sends your exceptions to and provides aggregated views and analytics.
Adds support for logging via NLog for DataObjects.Net
The NLog adapter for Spiffy.Monitoring
Simple and yet powerful logging library with performance and extensibility in mind.
Configures the Autofac container to forward Microsoft.Extensions.Logging messages to the Serilog logger.
Middleware injected into ASP.NET Core pipeline at startup.