Top 20 NuGet Linq Packages

Provides an implementation of the ability to replay a collection of timestamped events through an Rx stream, transform it using Rx syntax, and await the result materialized back into a collection.
Provides abstractions used as part of adding pagination support to LINQ.
Provides extension methods to augment LINQ-to-Objects with pagination.
Provides extension methods to augment LINQ-to-Objects with additional functionality and patterns.
Extensions to System.Reflection.
.Net Orm Toolkit LINQ Library
Extensions to Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.
Provides abstractions used as part of adding pagination support to LINQ-to-IQueryable.
Provides extension methods to augment LINQ-to-IQueryable with pagination.
Provides extension methods to materialize query results - essentially a white-labelling of EF's `XAsync()` extension methods, albeit with names that explicitly convey the concept of materialization as the intent. This package is for Entity Framework Core. For an identical API on Entity Framew...
Provides extension methods to materialize query results - essentially a white-labelling of EF's `XAsync()` extension methods, albeit with names that explicitly convey the concept of materialization as the intent. This package is for Entity Framework 6.x. For an identical API on Entity Framew...
Provides an extension method to project queries from one type to queries of another, using AutoMapper - essentially a white-labelling of AutoMapper's `ProjectTo` construct, albeit stable across AutoMapper versions. This package is for AutoMapper versions 6-7. For an identical API on AutoMappe...
Provides an extension method to project queries from one type to queries of another, using AutoMapper - essentially a white-labelling of AutoMapper's `ProjectTo` construct, albeit stable across AutoMapper versions. This package is for AutoMapper versions 8-9. For an identical API on AutoMappe...
Explore trees and tree-like structures with LINQ using tree-traversal algorithms like breadth-first and depth-first search: IEnumerable<DirectoryInfo> childDirectories = Traverse.DepthFirst(new DirectoryInfo(...), d => d.EnumerateDirectories()); IEnumerable<DirectoryInfo> parentDirector...
Simple and easy validation of multiple objects according with async rules are executed in parallel.
Package Description
Azure Storage Extensions is a .NET library aimed for managing and querying entities from Microsoft Azure Storage. It's built on top of Microsoft Azure Cosmos Table Library, provides LINQ to Azure Tables queries and async interfaces.
Classes and extensions from namespace system.Linq
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