Top 20 NuGet Linq Packages

Provides reactive extensions based xaml components based on the Blend SDK library, allowing you to fire a observable from XAML
Provides support for Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) over IAsyncEnumerable<T> sequences.
C# source implementation that enhances LINQ to Objects with the method DistinctBy. Returns all distinct elements of the given source, where "distinctness" is determined via a projection and the default eqaulity comparer for the projected type.
Provides Observable-based events API for Xamarin Forms UI controls & event handlers
Contains the ReactiveUI platform specific extensions for Blazor
Provides a wrapper aroung XamarinEssentials, allowing you to use Observables instead of events
Allows to execute Linq to DB (linq2db) queries in Entity Framework Core DbContext.
A collection of extension methods to IQueryable and IEnumerable that enable easy searching and ranking. Searches can be performed against multiple properties and support a wide range of types
Reactive Extensions (Rx) for .NET - Testing Library
NeinLinq provides helpful extensions for using LINQ providers such as Entity Framework that support only a minor subset of .NET functions, reusing functions, rewriting queries, even making them null-safe, and building dynamic queries using translatable predicates and selectors. To support different...
This project enhances LINQ to Objects with the following methods: Acquire, Aggregate (some EXPERIMENTAL), AggregateRight, Append, Assert, AssertCount, AtLeast, AtMost, Await (EXPERIMENTAL), AwaitCompletion (EXPERIMENTAL), Backsert, Batch, Cartesian, Choose, CountBetween, CompareCount, CountBy, Count...
A library which is able to decompile a delegate or a method body to its lambda representation
NeinLinq provides helpful extensions for using LINQ providers such as Entity Framework that support only a minor subset of .NET functions, reusing functions, rewriting queries, even making them null-safe, and building dynamic queries using translatable predicates and selectors. To support different...
Kendo.DynamicLinqCore implements server paging, filtering, sorting, grouping and aggregating to Kendo UI via Dynamic Linq for .Net Core App(1.x ~ 3.x). Supported platforms: - .NET Standard 1.6 - .NET Standard 2.0 - .NET Standard 2.1 - .NET Core 1.0 ~ .NET Core 1.1 - .NET Core 2.0 ~ .NET Core 2.2 -...
NeinLinq provides helpful extensions for using LINQ providers such as Entity Framework that support only a minor subset of .NET functions, reusing functions, rewriting queries, even making them null-safe, and building dynamic queries using translatable predicates and selectors. To support different...
A data access library for MongoDB with an elegant api, LINQ support and built-in entity relationship management.
Dynamic Linq extensions for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore which adds Async support
A library which is able to decompile a delegate or a method body to its lambda representation
Translate from linq expressions to C# code
LinqKit.Z.EntityFramework.Classic contains extensions for LINQ to SQL and Z.EntityFramework.Classic. Include(...) and IAsync are supported.