Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

Abstraction for popular dependency resolvers
Abstraction for popular dependency resolvers
SimpleInjector Utility
Easy and simple attribute based dependency injection registration.
Stateless FSM machine compiled for .net 3.5, valid for using it with Monodevelop and Unity projects.
Spread of classes, used in different projects as a shared component. Service locator - service locator implementation with type mapping capabilities. Object Mapper -service locator implementation with type mapping capabilities.
A lean and mean messagebus
Extension to Ninject.Extensions.AutoBinding.Web that adds support for Ninject.Web.Common scopes
CNeptune urbanize .net 4.0+ library with strategic private code to lay transparent foundations for frameworks.
Fluent library (essentially ILog) to introduce a complete application logging stack to your application. Fluent logging uses NLog to perist messages and comes with Ninject and Elmah connectors
The enterprise data mapping pattern implemented using NHibernate.
Fabrik.Common.Web.StructureMap contains all the pieces you need to hook up ASP.NET MVC with StructureMap.
A declarative IoC library that efficiently dispatches values and commands to subscribing modules, offering boilerplate-free event handling.
CodeArt.DependencyInjection is a .NET Library that adds extra functionality (such as decorator pattern) to the DI container used in ASP.NET 5 projects
The enterprise data mapping pattern implemented using NHibernate.
Blur provides a fluent and minimalistic way to edit assemblies from the inside, using Mono.Cecil: - Expression / Method printing to MethodBody. - Compile-time mixins. - Custom attributes.