Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

Yet Another IOC Container for .NET
A library for easy setup of IoC/Dependency injection for Umbraco
Adds support for loading services into dependency injection to the hosted application by convention.
Base classes for state machine pattern implementation. Supports persistence to XML.
Simple-to-use interface proxying library for C#
Enables support for DI/IOC in startup.
Ninject Kernel implementation of the Shuttle.Core.Container dependency injection interfaces
Common framework containing utilities and extension methods for fast development.
StructureMap 3 IoC container support for Hangfire
Use Ninject as your IoC container of choice to use WCF with CQRS.NET as ServiceHosts
NitroNet Unity package
MR.AttributeDI's plugin for Autofac.
StructureMap IoC container support for Hangfire
Just another DI container
Ninject bindings for the JG EventStore Http subscriber, used for instantiating event handlers for subscribed messages
Extensions for Fluent Assertions for testing Ninject bindings.
Castle Windsor support for CoreIoC
Castle Windsor IoC registration for CoreDdd library
Thin Di Abstraction implemented with StructureMap
The enterprise data mapping pattern implemented using NHibernate.