Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

Prism Container Extensions for the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection implementations of IServiceCollection / IServiceProvider. NOTE: This is an EXPERIMENTAL Container! While this may basic basic tests, this container may still have unknown issues as the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjectio...
Package Description
Package Description
Provides helper classes and extension method to facilitate comsosDb usage
Activate registered service(s) post HostBuilder build
Provides an extended PrismApplication with additional helpers. This can assist with capturing errors and debugging. Additional helpers exist to provide better use of Platform Specifics and styling.
Unity IoC Container support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
Simple CQRS implementation that utilizes the decorator pattern.
Centrifuge Reactor API component. Doing the heavy lifting so you don't have to.
Share dotnet C# IoC implementation, used at Agoda.
A dependency resolver for Ninject and WebApi - based on work by Brad Wilson
Topshelf.SimpleInjector provides extensions to construct your Topshelf service class from the SimpleInjector IoC container.
Topshelf.SimpleInjector provides extensions to construct your Topshelf service class from the SimpleInjector IoC container. This QuickStart package will quickly get you up and running with your WindowsService. Create a new Console Application project, install this package, make sure to...
Topshelf.SimpleInjector.Quartz provides extensions to schedule your Topshelf Service with Quartz.NET using SimpleInjector IoC container.